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Professor Dr. Urs E. Gattiker (Chief Executive Officer)

CyTRAP Labs GmbH Telefon: +41 (0)44 272-1876
Roentgenstrasse 49 E-Mai: Info at CyTRAP.eu
8005 Zurich

CHE-113.775.650 MWST  (Value Added Tax Number)
Handelsregister (HR) Nummer CH-  (Commercial Register Nr.)

You can find more information about CyTRAP Labs below:

CyTRAP Labs Holding GmbH
Registered in Hergiswil (NW)
Entry about firm in SHAB – Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce CyTRAP Labs Holding GmbH – SHAB entry
Full listing about firm as recorded in the commercial register in Nidwalden CyTRAP Labs Holding GmbH – full entry

The above company owns:

CyTRAP Labs GmbH, Zurich
Registered in Zurich (ZH)
Entry about firm in SHAB – Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce CyTRAP Labs GmbH – SHAB entry
Full listing about firm as recorded in the commercial register in Zurich CyTRAP Labs GmbH – full entry

For your convenience, we offer you a small brochure about what we do and who we are for download here:

What can CyTRAP Labs do for you today – get the brochure (195KB pdf)?


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