C. Strategy

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This page is part of the about us section of our services. The section includes: our strategy (you are here), who we are, brief history, commercial register, our clients what our clients think and why the like us.

Our corporate strategy is simple and straightforward. It builds on four points in that order of importance as listed below:

CyTRAP Labs GmbH – 4 point strategy and business policy

    1 – Our business model is financed by our clients. Accordingly we pay a lot of attention to their needs.
    2 – Keeping our customers happy means that our workers will be pleased as well (e.g., job security, being proud and enjoying their work)
    3 – Happy customers and workers are the foundation for keeping our suppliers satisfied (e.g., we purchase more from them if our business is doing well).
    4 – In turn, there is enough money left to satisfy our investors and/or shareholders.

The above is the order of importance we attach to these four stakeholder groups.

Putting workers before investors is helping us steer the business to success.

Our organization’s culture is such that we value both the letter and the spirit of the law (e.g., occupational health and safety, privacy and financial regulations).

Please feel free to contact us at the address below if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.

CyTRAP Labs GmbH Telefon: +41 (0)44 272-1876
Roentgenstrasse 49 E-Mai: Info at CyTRAP.eu
8005 Zurich