d chief information security officer (CISO)

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Clients can outsource the chief information security officer to CyTRAP Labs, ensuring that all the necessary policies, functions and procedures are dealt with in an appropriate, effective and cost efficient manner.
When acting in this capacity, CyTRAP Labs confirms any course of action that it will take regarding technology, security procedures, baseline measures and metrics with a client beforehand

In some organizations the Chief Information Security Officer reports to the Board of Directors concerning operation of the Information Secuirty Program.

The board—under for instance Sarbanes-Oxley, SEC regulations, and the Realignment of the Swiss OR – Art 727 OR: (Art 728a Para 1 Nr. 3 OR) —is responsible for assessing risks and evaluating the effectiveness of security programs throughout the enterprise. Board members and/or the CEO can be subject to prosecution for privacy violations or personal data security breaches (e.g., California).

General purpose

The information security officer is the executive responsible for the organization’s entire security posture, both physical and digital.

CISOs also frequently own or participate closely in related areas such as business continuity planning, loss prevention and fraud prevention, and privacy.

Role of the information security officer

The first step for an organization when undertaking security measures should generally be to allocate a chief security officer (CSO) or a chief information security officer. The CSO will oversee and coordinate security efforts across the company, including information technology, human resources, communications, legal, facilities management and other groups, and will identify security initiatives and standards.

In the context here, the focus is on the CISO who coordinates security initiatives and standards regarding information, information technology, data and communication.

The role of a CISO should be to ensure that an organization complies with its confidentiality, integrity and availaibity obligations and to act as a point of contact, internally and externally, for all issues relating to information security and compliance

An important part of a CISO’s role is to communicate with other organizations, entities and persons in order to keep up to date with changing security requirements and to ensure that third parties (such as agents, contractors, suppliers and subsidiaries) comply with their contractual information security obligations.

Running the information security function

Important is to understand that these tasks and jobs must be done regardless whether the position is being kept in-house or is being outsourced.

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