8 – Outsourcing

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Clients can outsource some organizational functions to CyTRAP Labs, ensuring that all the necessary policies, functions and procedures are dealt with in an appropriate, effective and cost efficient manner.
When acting in this capacity, CyTRAP Labs confirms any course of action that it will take regarding technology, security procedures, reengineering of processes and services, establishing baseline measures and metrics with a client beforehand.

The transactional delivery of financial, production and/or administrative services is becoming ever more critical. Moreover, regulatory changes may require that business services and processes are reengineered and improved to arrive at an architecture and a strategy in which everyone knows exactly what they are exped to do.

Here, some enterprises may decide to outsource some functions for better managing technology and processes. However, outsourcing has to provide bigger business benefits than reducing the head count or helping the firm realize some cost savings.

CyTRAP Labs provides outsourcing and offshoring services. In some instances, we may run the operations for:

– ourselves – such as data hosting or processing – using our own facilities or
– do project management for tasks and processes that were outsourced by one of our clients

In some cases, an enterprise may want to outsource particular job function.

For more information, contact us directly