i. Urs E. Gattiker

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Professor Dr. Urs E. Gattiker (CEO) ist ein Enthusiast der sozialen Medien seit den 80er Jahren, erfolgreicher Buchautor und Blogger.  Sein neuestes Buch Social Media Audit: Measure for Impact erscheint diesen Sommer by Springer Science Publishers.

Vernetzen Sie sich mit dem Autor über:  Twitter | Google Plus | Xing

Als Professor hat er die Entwicklung neuer Medien von Anfang an in den USA und in Kanada mitgestaltet. Er hatte 20 Jahre an internationalen Universitäten Lehrstühle zum Thema Medien, Technologie und Innovation inne, wie z.B. in den USA (Stanford University, Clarmont McKenna College), Kanada (University of Lethbridge), Dänemark (Aalborg Universität), Deutschland (Universität der Bundeswehr) und Australien (Melbourne Business School).

Er ist Mitgründer und CEO von CyTRAP Labs GmbH. Mit seinem internationalen Team hilft er Social Media Strategien  auszuformulieren, effektiv umzusetzen und die Synergien von Facebook, Twitter & Weblogs messbar zu nutzen.

Mit der hauseigenen Software My.ComMetrics.com (benchmark your blog – improve your social media performance) entwickelte er für die Financial Times den  FT ComMetrics Blog Index welcher eine Liste der erfolgreichsten Weblogs erstellt.

Bücher von Urs E. Gattiker finden Sie auf Amazon.de (Kategorie englische Bücher anclicken).
Sein neuestes Buch –Social Media Marketing – Measure for Impacterschien in 2013

Below in English

Internationally-renowned risk technologist, social media expert, author (Urs’ latest book:  Social Media Audit: Measure for Impactand blogger Urs E. Gattiker, is both a founder and the Chief Executive Officer of CyTRAP Labs GmbH. CyTRAP Labs provides corporate governance and social media services to organizations worldwide.

a picture of Urs E. Gattiker - CTO ComMetricsIf you wish to get more information about Urs, you can get it here:

Urs E. Gattiker 1-page bio, PDF with photo
Urs E. Gattiker 1-page bio, PDF
Photo of Urs E. Gattiker, Ph.D.

CyTRAP Labs GmbH focuses on developing tools and services addressing risk management and corporate governance and its ComMetrics division is a trail blazer in social media analytics (e.g., developing the FT ComMetrics Blog Index – the industry standard for ranking corporate blogs of FT Global 500 and Fortune 500 companies).

How can we work together?

  • Onsite consulting and coaching sessions covering all aspects of blogging and other social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Twitter and Xing).
  • Company  retreats.
  • See also….

Find Urs E. Gattiker’s books on:

– Amazon.com
– Amazon.fr
– Amazon.co.uk

Gattiker also invented BlogRank.CyTRAP.eu, a web-based software that benchmarks social media campaigns. Like the dashboard of your car, when used correctly, CyTRAP BlogRank helps you make your corporate blogger’s journey through cyberspace safely and in a timely fashion, all while getting great gas mileage.

Under Gattiker’s leadership, CyTRAP has developed a range of tools and services that offer better key performance indicators (KPIs) for web marketing initiatives, including but not limited to:

– tools,
– checklists,
– software,
– benchmarks (e.g., ComMetrics New Media Health Check – HRM, IT security, C-level bloggers),

and more to help firms take better advantage of information assets and the latest communication technologies, including Web 3.0 instruments.

Article source – CyTRAP Labs GmbH – My.ComMetrics team member Prof. Urs E. Gattiker, Ph.D.

Image - tweet by IFB_Loewenmut - Empfehlung für wer seinen Internet-Auftritt optimieren möchte: @ComMetrics, Unternehmen vom Schweizer Prof Urs Gattiker. Einfach gut.

Snapshot Bio
Urs E. Gattiker is an influential thought leader on web analytics, social marketing and technologies. He is experienced with emerging technologies that stem from the brand side, agency side, and industry analyst perspective. An accomplished speaker, he has spoken in North America, Asia and Europe, as well as keynoting at prominent industry conferences.

Despite his academic and industry credentials, Urs lives and breathes the social web, including interacting with Twitter followers, and has attracted over 20,000 unique visitors to the ComMetrics blog, which focuses on social media measurement, trend-watching and how corporations connect with their customers using Web 2.0 technologies. According to Technorati, the ComMetrics blog  is in the top 100,000 of all global blogs, and it’s rated as one of the top 100 social media blogs by US experts.Image - Nils Montan - Praising Urs for a great workshop.

Urs is frequently sought after in the realm of social technologies, and has been quoted in the Financial Times, Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Le Monde, Reuters, Tehalka, Die Zeit and other technology and business related publications.

Dr. Gattiker has been a professor and taught computing and innovation management at the Stanford Center for Organization Research – Stanford University, the Melbourne Business School, the Aalborg University School of Engineering (Denmark), as well as the International School of New Media – University of Lübeck (Germany). Even though he is very busy with My.ComMetrics – the social media benchmarking tool for companies – he loves his teaching engagement with the students at the Lorange Business Institute Zurich.

For your convenience, we offer you a small brochure about what we do and who we are for download here:

What can CyTRAP Labs do for you today? Get the brochure (195KB PDF)

For more information have a look at: clients – what they say about us and our services section.

CyTRAP Labs GmbH Fon: +41 (0)44 272-1876
Röntgenstrasse 49 Email: Info [at] CyTRAP [dot] eu
8005 Zurich
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