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All things being equal, when we mention a product, we ourselves have used it extensively. Ownership might be with the company or one of our employees. In most cases this means we purchased the product a while back and decided to write about it based on our use.

There are products we purchase that are never mentioned on this blog. This is not due to the quality of the product, but because we had nothing constructive or useful to add to the discussion.

Of course, we may mention a product that we do not even own. However, this generally happens because the product or service relates to a post or provides readers with a different perspective.

In some instances, we are provided with a testing device or product by the vendor or a distributor. If this happens and we write about it, you will be informed (see small print).

You may also find a short note like the one below to further clarify matters:

ComMetrics disclosure: This article contains no conflict of interest on our part; we purchased all of the books or products mentioned and were given none as samples (see FTC guidelines for disclosure).