CyTRAP Labs – glossary

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This list of glossaries is intended to assist information security professionals and managers endeavouring to use technical reports. The glossary of key information security terms provides definitions representing the meanings understood and shared by the majority of the information security community.

Being an interdisciplinary study, information security makes heavy use of terms borrowed from other fields of study such as biology, computer science, electrical engineering, epidemology and management. As it would be impossible to incorporate full glossaries of these sciences, only some of the more commonly-used terms are included.

The entries are cross-referenced. Headwords appear in bold face and words within the definition which also appear in this type style are defined elsewhere in their most common form.

Compound terms consisting of a noun and a preceding adjective are generally listed alphabetically under the first word appearing in the term. For instnace, “zero-day vulnerability” is defined under the “zero” heading.

Terms which have more than a single meaning may provide the reader with more than one definition, beginning with the most common and proceeding to the more obscure.

Standard American English spelling is used throughout.

For additional definitions of terms borrowed from other disciplines, the reader is directed to dictionaries peculiar to those disciplines.

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