iv. Deadly sins of Web 2.0 marketing

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This page is part of the StratMedia section of our services, which include:  social media package, workshops and conferences generating more revenue with Web 2.0,  deadly sins of Web 2.0 (you are here).

When some people felt they had the best SEO tactics figured out, the Web 2.0 seemed to change the whole ball game. Certainly, it gives that user the means and power to create and manipulate data. And as well, Web 2.0 dramatically changes how we view and use the web.

Here are some things people forget thereby failing to take advantage Web 2.0 technologies and not rethinking web site content.

Below we outline seven points that represent key issues that must be addressed since failure to do so may be extremely costly.


Having a blog with an RSS feed as well as e-mail alerts posted to subscribers either when post is going online or in a weekly newsletter is a good strategy for all web sites.

With free server-based programs, such as WordPress, this is relatively easy to do but the devil lies in the details.

Having a blog places a site into the whole tagging process. Each category being created for the blog posting will be seen as a tag by such sites as Technorati.

RSS feeds gets the firm’s content distributed across the web. A simple and easy way to tap into the new Web 2.0 universe.

PS. RSS stands for ‘Really Simple Syndication’

12 tips for success: getting a corporate blog up and running

2. TAGGING (folksonomy)

One is well adviced to be constantly aware of the tags (keywords) one is creating with blogs and web sites.

Naturally, it can have a very beneficial effect on the traffic, unique visitor statistics and search engine rankings.

However, these tags most be closely related with the content on a website in order to build higher rankings in all the major search engines.

3. RESOURCE LIBRARY – white papers and glossaries

This is an area filled with articles covering relevant topics to the industry with which the site is connected. The articles may cover how to do something or define a particular aspect of the industry

However, these articles or glossaries defining industry relevant terms do not usually directly sell the company’s products or services.

It is important to reach buyers at all stages of the sale’s cycle. For example, if someone is just starting to investigate a product or service, a site with an appropriate informational article will reach him or her at this critical early stage. The prospect will then likely remember the experience when he or she is ready to buy and will return to the site.

10 ways to add value to your corporate blog


One must find the special niche where there is less competition and content. These narrow niches, of course, must be one of the firm’s core services (e.g., an auditing firm that specializes in international tax advice or personal and corporate relocation services).

Market niches do make-up a sizable portion of the whole vast web. Creating content in these unique areas will get one’s web site or blog not only included in the search engines a lot quicker but, more importantly, will continue to and keep them there a lot longer

7 steps to success – organic web traffic that matters


When one writes web site content and designs these pages, the key is to truly act with the target audience in mind.

And while some people might advice that thinking globally while acting locally is a mistake, the key question is where one’s customer in a niche market are located in. Hence, providing tax and legal advice is often linked to national legislation. Locating a hedge fund in one jurisdiction might make it uninteresting for potential investors in a key market because tax authorities will penalize investors.

One can make the classic mistake of isolating a large chunk of the potential audience by sending everyone to a one-size-fits-some page. But as terrible, the customized page may be of little interest to the targeted audience due to having failed doing one’s home work correctly (e.g., custom regulations) or failing to offer a service that meets local preferences.

And while Europe is trying hard to establish an internal market, customer preferences across countries, languages and cultures will remain for some time.


Writing a blog, tagging it correctly, with the relevant white papers and glossaries in market niche still takes time. It is similar to developing a new market (e.g., Spain).

The first year will bring a lot of work. For instance, posting every Tuesday and Wednesday a story will take time to write it. Moreover, putting links into the story to original documents the story relates to, such as a cour decision or another white paper, takes even longer.

Hence, costs such as

– time spent to scan material that might be interesting to clients/subscribers to read,
– taking the material and writing a story with some depth about the topic

may barely be offset with the additional revenues generated.

No pain – no gain.


If one produces a service or a blog for people to read one has to keep the target audience in mind (e.g., see point 4 above). The content offered to subscribers via, for instance, via e-mail (see point 1 above) has to offer value. Hence, neither offering a service that many others do (e.g., virus alerts) nor content that is of interest to customers


Many experts recommend that converting visitors to customers is the key metric for assessing a web site’s effectiveness. However, it is unlikely that a serious professional investor visiting a hedge fund’s web site will begin investing without having collected more information beforehand (e.g., visting offices, talking to key people).

Converting visitors into customers at a web site serving consumer is important. In contrast, as a metric for a web site offering heavy machinery it is unlikely a very good indicator.

Information on how to make better use of such equipment, saving money when doing maintenance work and so on is of particular interest to the firm’s current clients. Hence, offering information through the blog via RSS and e-mail addressing these issues will be of great interest to current clients.

Finally, such information can help attract potential clients to the side by being referred to it by current readers or served search engine results. Naturally, this also promotes the corporation’s brand and improves market visibility.

7 steps to success – organic web traffic that matters


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  • http://www.webproductblog.com/ Thomas

    I agree especially with the point “niche marketing” there are many people around that think they have to do everything at the same time, but that usually that doesn´t help.
    Good article!